拼音:jīng qǐ 英文解釋:
rouse; start; startle中文解釋:
因受驚嚇而突然動作深夜突然聽到槍聲,大家都從床上驚起 >>
查看“驚起”在國語詞典中的解釋 相關詞條:
roust 相關對話:
- 被那響亮的吵鬧聲驚起
Started at the loud noise.
- 昨夜12點鐘門鈴突然響了,這使焦躁不安的媽媽驀地驚起。
The sudden ringing of the doorbell at12 last night made the anxious mother start up.
- 狗驚起了叢林中的一隻鹿。
The dog roused a deer from the bushes.
- 退縮,畏縮驚起、退縮或畏縮的行為或實例
An act or instance of starting, wincing, or recoiling.
- 他從炕上驀地驚起,沖她嚷道:“你到哪兒去?”
Starting up from the kang, he shouted after her:"Where are you off to?"
- 退縮,驚起退縮或驚起的動作或手勢
A shrinking or startled movement or gesture.
- 那隻狗於雉從灌木叢中驚起。
The dog flushed a pheasant from the bushes
- 獵狗驚起了幾隻鷓鴣。
The hunting dog put up some partridges.