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拼音:jīng jì gǎi gé


【法】 economic reform


  1. 在另一方面,戈巴契夫承認,他的既迂腐又專權的官僚政府是現代化最大的阻礙。因此這位蘇聯領袖迅速意識到,政治與經濟改革必須齊頭並進。
    Mr. Gorbachev, on the other hand, recognized that his sluggish and authoritarian bureaucracy was the worst impediment to modernization. That is why the Soviet leader came more quickly to the view that political and economic change must go hand in hand.
  2. 我們在選舉獲勝,這就使我們有權進行經濟改革
    Our election victory has given us a mandate to reform the economy.
  3. 非洲經濟改革的走向——《拉各斯行動計畫》與《非洲發展新夥伴計畫》的比較
    The Trends of African Economic Reforms
  4. 我們在選舉獲勝,這就使我們有權進行經濟改革
    Our election victory had given us a mandate to reform the economy.
  5. 經濟改革的重要性.
    the importance of the economic reform.
  6. 社會經濟改革的政策。
    a policy of socioeconomic reform.
  7. 經濟改革是一個持續的過程。
    Economic reform is a continuous process
