- 孩子們中間突然發出一聲驚叫。
A cry of horror burst forth from the children.
- 他的兒子已長那麽高了,他不禁驚叫起來。
He could not help exclaiming at how much his son had grown.
- 她驚叫:“你是個騙子!”
" you are a swindler ! " she exclaimed
- 考克斯在恐怖片《尖聲驚叫》中扮演一個追蹤連環殺手的電視記者。
Cox plays a TV reporter chasing down a serial killer in horror flick Scream
- 我拿起一支手槍,槍里並沒有裝子彈,可他卻驚叫起來。
I took up a pistol It was not loaded, but he cried out before he was hurt
- 突然間,樹下傳來一聲輕微短促的驚叫,"吉姆,你在樹上乾什麼呢?"
Suddenly a gasp sounded from below“Jim,what are you doing up there”
- 發出尖叫, 驚叫
give [utter] a shriek