拼音:jīng jiǎn英文解釋:
cut; reduce; retrench; simplify【計】 compaction
(1) ∶留下必要的,去掉不需要的開始精簡部隊編制(2) ∶精心挑選精選人物(3... >>查看“精簡”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
1.compaction 2.simplification 3.compress 4.condense 5.abridge 6.retrenchment中英例句:
- 精簡機構的趨勢a tendency towards simpler administration
- 把一本書的內容精簡為概要。condense the contents of a book into a summary.
- 我們正在精簡人員,你是第一個要走的人。We are downsizing our work force and you will be the first to leave.
- (用於文章)以精簡或者重寫的方式縮短。(used of texts) shortened by condensing or rewriting.
- 他們將要精簡那本字典。They are going to abridge that dictionary.
- 他56歲時,由於單位精簡人員而被解僱了。He was dismissed by reason of redundancy when he was 56 years old.
- 天津開發區正在大力精簡行政審批項目。TEDA is simplifying items of administrative examination and approval.
- 一個關於多種情感和觀念的精簡的表達。a condensed expression of various feelings and ideas