拼音:jìng diàn gān rǎo英文解釋:
1.precipitationstatics 2.staticinterference例句:
- 我的電視機沒有靜電干擾。I do not get any static on my set.
- 聲音不清楚,有靜電干擾。The sound is not clear.Theres a lot of static.
- 因為有太多的靜電干擾,我不能聽到節目。I can not hear the program because there is too much static.
- 我的電視機沒有靜電干擾。I do not get any static on my set
- 聲音不清楚,有靜電干擾。The sound is not clearTheres a lot of static
- 斷斷續續的睡眠;斷斷續續的靜電干擾。fitful (or interrupted) sleep; off-and-on static.