字典網>> 漢英字典>> J開頭詞條>>淨的英文翻譯 “淨”的日文翻譯



clean; completely; net; only
【經】 net


淨 jìng 清潔:淨化。淨水。淨土。淨心(a.清淨的心;b.心裡沒有牽掛)。...


  1. 擦乾炊具花費掉他們許多時間。
    It took them a lot of time to scour out the pots and pans
  2. 野戰班用水器的研製
    Development of the field drinking water purifier for squad
  3. 清洗乾給(魚家禽)放血、去毛和內臟以備烹煮或出售
    To clean(fish or fowl) for cooking or sale.
  4. 利索地
    In a clean manner
  5. 這次銷售我賺1百萬。
    This sale netted me $1 million.
  6. 內部配件容易拆下清洗乾,裝上也容易。
    The interior parts are easy to disassemble and assemble for cleaning.
  7. 不過,我會把它擦乾的,這樣我們就可以多賣些錢了。”
    But I will clean it and then we may get more money."
  8. 每天早晚使用,用化妝棉將玉露輕輕塗抹於已潔的面部和頸部。
    To use: apply suitable, pat on face and neck evenly with sponge.
