拼音:jì néng英文翻譯
skill; technical ability【化】 skill
1.know-how 2.technica 3.quality 4.skilledness 5.craftsmanship 6.craft 7.technic 8.technique 9.technicalability 10.qualification 11.ability例句:
- 這次危難是對他的勇氣和技能的考驗。The crisis put his courage and skill to the test.
- 這就是興趣與技能是有區別的。The point is there is a difference between an interest and a skill.
- 資源管理是一項重要的經營技能。Resources management is an important business skill.
- 為鋼琴調音需要專門技能。It takes skill to tune a piano.
- 他喜歡貶低別人的技能。He likes to diminish the skills of others.