字典網>> 漢英字典>> J開頭詞條>>積木的英文翻譯 “積木”的日文翻譯


拼音:jī mù


brick; building blocks
【計】 building block


通常是立方的木頭或塑膠固體玩具,一般在每一表面裝飾著字母或圖畫,容許進行不同的排... >>查看“積木”在國語詞典中的解釋


  1. 一種積木式氣動機械手的研究設計
    Design of a Pneumatic Manipulator Builded like Roy Brick
  2. 孩子媽媽讓孩子坐在腿上和他玩積木
    Anyone sitting on the springs of a seat pushes them down by his weight.
  3. 孩子媽媽讓孩子坐在腿上和他玩積木
    Anyone sitting on the springs of a seat pushes them down by his weight
  4. STC大功率亞、超臨界空冷機組系列低壓缸積木
    LP Building Block for Large Air Cooling Steam Turbine in STC
  5. 小男孩正在搭積木
    The little boy is piling up his building blocks.
  6. 我們讓孩子們動手做東西,比如泥人、積木和紙玩具。
    We allow children to construct objects in clay, wood blocks and paper.
  7. 一組積木
    A set of blocks.
  8. 這個小男孩正在堆他的積木
    The little boy was piling up his building blocks.
