拼音:jì lù méi tǐ英文解釋:
【計】 record medium; recording medium相關對話:
- 在字(詞)處理技術中,一個完整記錄的文本從記錄媒體的一個單元到另一個單元的複製過程。In word processing, the reproduction of the entire recorded text from one element of recording medium to another.
- 在口述記錄設備上,從記錄媒體上擦除記錄的處理過程。On dictation equipment, the process of removing the recording from a recording medium.
- 在口述記錄設備上,用來除去記錄媒體上記錄的一種裝置。On dictation equipment, a device for removing a recording from the recording medium.