拼音:jī jí xìng英文解釋:
enthusiasm; initiative; positivity; zeal【法】 activity
指主動進取,努力工作的思想和行動我們不要打擊他的積極性 >>查看“積極性”在國語詞典中的解釋漢語造句:
- 民眾中蘊藏了極大的積極性。The masses have a vast reservoir of enthusiasm
- 放寬經濟政策以鼓勵生產的積極性。Economic policy is liberalized to encourage initiatives in production.
- 他們應當充分發揮他們的積極性。They should give the fullest expression to their initiative.
- 愛護民眾的積極性cherish the initiative of the masses
- 通過分組討論野餐計畫,人人都發表意見,全面主動參與合作探究,充分調動全體學生的積極性。Discuss the picnic plan in four. Ask some students to read their plan.
- 我覺得我對貴公司能做些積極性的貢獻。I think I could do some optimistic dedication for this company.
- 缺乏積極性和熱情的心理狀態。a lack of passion or enthusiasm
- 鼓動熱情;激起積極性to whip enthusiasm