字典網>> 漢英字典>> J開頭詞條>>即將的英文翻譯 “即將”的日文翻譯


拼音:jí jiāng


be about to; be on the point of


正要;就要即將動身 >>查看“即將”在國語詞典中的解釋


  1. 他們已收到颱風即將來臨的預報。
    They have received notice of a typhoon approaching.
  2. 我侄女即將結婚,
    My niece is getting married,
  3. 即將有人開車來接我。
    I am being picked up.
  4. 即將離開台灣,前往德國跟奧地利。
    I will leave Taiwan soon, to travel to Germany and Austria.
  5. 麻煩事即將發生。
    There is trouble on the horizon.
  6. 更進一部的情況和對論文的要求即將寄出。
    You will soon receive further information and instructions on our paper.
  7. 我們本來以為永遠也完成不了這項工作了,可現在我們知道即將大功告成。
    We thought we should never finish this work; but now we can see daylight.
  8. 你所見到的即你所獲得的關於或作為字處理或台式列印系統的,在系統中螢幕確切地顯示出即將列印的文稿
    text exactly as it will be printed
