字典網>> 漢英字典>> J開頭詞條>>機會的的英文翻譯


拼音:jī huì de


【醫】 fortuitous


  1. 別灰心,羅伯,還有機會的
    Cheer up, Rob, life goes on.
  2. 我想以後會有機會的
    Some other time I guess.
  3. 她對機會的掌握筆我做的好,所以她應該贏。
    She loves to play on grass.
  4. 下次你會有機會的
    You'll be given a go next time
  5. 我希望有一個提供升級機會的工作。
    I hope to have a job which offers me an opportunity for advancement
  6. “你是沒有弄到那份工作的機會的。”他嘲諷地說道。
    " you have not a chance of getting that job " he sneered
  7. 今晚有一個關於國際商務機會的專題討論會
    There is a seminar on international business opportunity this evening
  8. ”但是那些越來越多地不去利用這個機會的那部分男人會怎么樣呢?
    " And what of the men who are increasingly not part of that "everybody"?
