字典網>> 漢英字典>> J開頭詞條>>機會的英文翻譯 “機會”的日文翻譯


拼音:jī huì


chance; opportunity; hap; occasion; odds; scope
【法】 hazard; occasion; probability


(1) ∶具有時間性的有利情況;時機中興機會。——宋&m... >>查看“機會”在國語詞典中的解釋


  1. 至於我的盟友們,我想我應該給他們一個緩刑的機會
    As for my unlikely allies, I think that I shall allow them a reprieve.
  2. 這些不正當的消遣有損你成功的機會
    These dissipations make against your chance of success .
  3. 如果有機會到這一帶來,一定來找我。
    If you ever visit this part, be sure to hunt me up.
  4. 我們歡迎有機會和貴方討論訂約事宜
    We shall welcome on opportunity of discussing a contract with you
  5. 我沒有機會和她談這件事。
    I had no opportunity to discuss it with her.
  6. 她等了很長時間都沒有找到新的動身機會
    She waited a long time without finding an opportunity for a new departure
  7. 需要和機會,可使懦夫變勇敢。
    Necessity and opportunity may make a coward valiant
  8. 千載難逢的機會
    A golden opportunity
