拼音:jī fěng 英文解釋:
a flea in one's ear; innuendo; jeer; ridicule; satirize
(1) ∶用旁敲側擊或尖刻的話挖苦、指摘或嘲笑言行(2) ∶以輕蔑或憎惡口氣尖刻... >>
查看“譏諷”在國語詞典中的解釋 相關詞條:
piss-taking 2.
overtheshoulder 3.
thrust(force) 4.
satirise 5.
irony 6.
innuendo 7.
sarcasm 漢語造句:
- 從她的聲音里我們可以感到某種譏諷的意味。
In her voice we can sense a certain tinge of irony.
- 她譏諷的言語傷了他的自尊心。
Her sarcasm touched his self-esteem.
- 政客常遭到電視與無線電廣播的譏諷。
Politicians are often satirized on TV and radio.
- 這裡面帶有一點點譏諷的味道。
There is a whiff of sarcasm in it.
- 從她的聲音里我們可以感到某種譏諷的意味。
In her voice we can sense a certain tinge of irony
- 大聲嘲笑;譏諷
To speak or shout derisively; mock.
- 大聲叫囂發出沙啞的大叫,尤指表譏諷或輕蔑
To make a loud raucous cry, especially of derision or contempt.