字典網>> 漢英字典>> J開頭詞條>>藉助的英文翻譯 “藉助”的日文翻譯


拼音:jiè zhù


have the aid of; make use of


憑藉別人或事的幫助以達到目的寡君是以願藉助焉。——《左傳... >>查看“藉助”在國語詞典中的解釋


  1. 我們可以藉助一些自然療法來增強機體的免疫力。
    There are natural ways to boost your body’s defence system.
  2. 藉助字典閱讀
    read with the help of a dictionary
  3. 起初,每個信號都是藉助於兩根架空導線傳遞的。
    At first, each signal was carried by means of a pair of overhead wires
  4. 瑪麗斷了腿,但她能夠藉助拐棍到處走動。
    Mary broke her leg, but she is able to get around with crutches.
  5. 簡單水泵藉助於空氣壓力而工作。
    The simple pumps can work with the help of air pressure.
  6. 藉助善行神道施行的法術。
    magic performed with the help of beneficent spirits.
  7. 藉助外國資本
    with the aid of foreign capital
  8. 藉助眼睛把字放大以便能夠閱讀。
    His eyeglasses magnify words so he can read them.
