字典網>> 漢英字典>> J開頭詞條>>節約的的英文翻譯


拼音:jié yuē de


abstemious; managing; saving; spare
【經】 economical


1.economical  2.thrifty  3.sparing  4.frugal  


  1. 他如果儘量節約的話,就可以積累一筆錢財。
    His money would bulk up to a fortune if he saved everything he could.
  2. 將來你會逐漸意識到節約的重要性。
    Some day you will come to realize the importance of saving.
  3. 而我們現在談的是大單節約的問題。
    And we are talking big savings.
  4. 我看真正講節約的應當是社會主義。
    In my opinion, economy can be truly practised only under socialism.
  5. 將來你會逐漸意識到節約的重要性。
    Some day you will come to realize the importance of saving
  6. 這是厲行節約的一個出色範例。
    This is an outstanding example of strict economy.
  7. 小數目上節約的或小事上精明的
    Careful in dealing with small sums of money or small matters.
