拼音:jiè kuǎn英文解釋:
loan【經】 borrowing; debt; loan money; loans; raise a loan
借用的錢一筆借款 >>查看“借款”在國語詞典中的解釋漢語造句:
- 不可避免地,許多貸款者會強行收回借款人的房產。Inevitably, many lenders will foreclose on thehomeowner.
- 表示信譽和借款的檔案。a document showing credits and debits
- 借款人即抵押人。The borrower is referred to as the mortgagor.
- 例如,抵押一塊地產獲得1000鎊借款。Take, for instance, a mortgage of a thousand pounds on a landed estate.
- 如何辨別危險的借款人?How to identify risky borrowers?
- 拖欠借款be in default on a loan
- 沒有理想的保證金銀行是不願意借款的。bankers are reluctant to lend without good security.
- 轉為長期轉為有固定利息的長期借款或流動債務To convert into a long-term or floating debt with fixed interest payments