拼音:jié bái de英文解釋:
lily; pure white; undefiled相關詞條:
1.lilied 2.marble 3.pure 4.stainless例句:
- 她潔白的臉和她黑色的衣服形成強烈的對比。Her white face and her dark dress contrast sharply.
- 這位新娘選擇讓沼澤里的污穢玷污掉她潔白的婚紗。This bride opted to trash her dress in a Louisiana swamp
- 他穿著一雙潔白的鞋子。He had on immaculate white shoes.
- 她圍著一條潔白的圍裙。She wore a spotless white apron
- 一隻潔白的鴿子圍繞著她飛翔,永不停歇。Around it, a white dove flies forever circling
- 潔白的雪上沒有腳印。There were no footmarks on the virgin snow.