字典網>> 漢英字典>> J開頭詞條>>極度的英文翻譯 “極度”的日文翻譯


拼音:jí dù


be far gone; beyond measure; to death; to the last degree; to the utmost
【醫】 fastigium


(1) ∶表示程度深;極端的極度興奮(2) ∶極點他的忍耐已到了極點 >>查看“極度”在國語詞典中的解釋


  1. 極度飢餓;花了很多的錢。
    in a frightful hurry; spent a frightful amount of money
  2. 極度的有利或者幸運。
    supremely favored or fortunate.
  3. 極度的痛苦使他發狂。
    He was driven crazy by the extremity of pain.
  4. 他生活在極度窮困中。
    He lives in a state of extreme poverty.
  5. 極度緊張之下他仍無崩潰的跡象。
    There is no sign of him breaking up under the strain yet.
  6. 極度渴望征服英文!
    I have a strong desire to conquer English
  7. 極度的困難;需要大力士般的力量。
    of extreme difficulty; requiring the strength of a Hercules.
  8. 父母死亡後某種極度孤獨的感覺
    A sense of utter desolation following the death of his parents
