拼音:jí diǎn英文解釋:
the utmost; top; maximum; apices; climax; extremity; pole【計】 extreme point
(1) (2) 極坐標系統中角坐標的頂點(3) 球體上一個圓的軸的兩端之一(4)... >>查看“極點”在國語詞典中的解釋例句:
- 具有一對主導極點的最優調節器設計Design of the Optimal Regulator with a Pair of Dominant Pole
- 運用MATLAB語言進行控制系統極點配置的方法A Method of Pole Assignment of the Control System Based on MATLAB Language
- 他愚蠢到極點以致永遠也不明白自己為什麼失敗。Ll never understand why he failed.
- 這時她似乎興奮到了極點。Then excitement seemed to bubble over inside her.
- 偷了車然後醉酒開車真是愚蠢到極點。Stealing a car and then driving it drunk was the ultimate idiocy
- 趣味低級得真正到了極點的一部影片A film that really plumbs the depths of bad taste
- 沒有跡象表明蕭條已經到了極點.There is no sign that the recession has bottomed out yet
- 驕傲到極點Be eaten up with pride