字典網>> 漢英字典>> J開頭詞條>>肌的的英文翻譯


拼音:jī de


【醫】 muscular; muscularis; sarcous


  1. 人參皂苷Rg2對急性心源性休克犬心肌的保護作用
    Protective Effect of Rg_2 on Myocardium of Dog with Acute Cardiogenic Shock
  2. ATP-MgCl_2對缺血性犬心肌的保護作用
    Protective action of ATP-MgCl_2 on ischemic myocardium
  3. 流過心肌的血液不足;導致絞痛的。
    inadequate blood flow to the heart muscles; can cause angina pectoris.
  4. 肌的一種混亂狀態。
    a disorder (usually of unknown origin) of the heart muscle (myocardium).
  5. 減輕痙攣的,防止痙攣的減輕或防止痙攣的,尤指平滑肌的
    Relieving or preventing spasms, especially of smooth muscle.
  6. 眼下疲勞眼睛的疼痛和疲乏,常伴有頭痛,長久使用眼睛所致,或因未矯正的視力缺陷或眼肌的不平衡
    eyes, uncorrected defects of vision, or an imbalance of the eye muscles
  7. 橫紋肌的多核細胞
    the multinucleate cells of striated muscle
  8. 缺血預處理對體外循環缺血心肌的保護效果
    Effects of ischemic preconditioning on myocardial protection during CPB
