拼音:jī chǎng英文解釋:
aerodrome; airdrome; airfield; airport【機】 aerial port; airport; flying ground aerodrome
停放飛機的場所,場內有供飛機起降的跑道,並有各種服務設施飛機平穩地降落在首都機場... >>查看“機場”在國語詞典中的解釋漢語造句:
- 我什麼時候應該到達機場?When should I get to the airport?
- 他們企圖攻占河那邊的機場。They intended taking the ariport on the other side of the river.
- 計程車司機駕車將我飛速送到機場。The taxi-driver raced me to the airport.
- 德國戴姆勒、賓士集團公司的機場設備與技術Airport Equipment and Technology of Daimler Benz Group
- 公眾強烈反對修建新機場There was a public outcry about the building of a new airport
- 可以在下午2 點鐘前派一輛租車來接我去機場嗎?Could you have a taxi pick me up and take me to the airport before 00 p m
- 他乘出租汽車到機場。He took a taxi to the airport
- 一大群人前往機場為他送別。A large crowd went to the airport to send him off.