字典網>> 漢英字典>> J開頭詞條>>機艙的英文翻譯 “機艙”的日文翻譯


拼音:jī cāng


engine room; passenger compartment


(1) ∶位於輪船中部甲板以下,是輪船上裝置機器的部分(2) ∶飛機機體內的空間... >>查看“機艙”在國語詞典中的解釋


  1. 計算機輔助船舶輪機艙概念設計
    A Developed CACD System for Ship Engine Room
  2. 國泰的機艙乘務員管理機制
    Management System of Flight Attendants of Cathay Pacific
  3. 他們被請到我們機艙里,來看我們工作。
    They were invited to our cabins to watch us at work.
  4. 機艙空氣乾燥器效用試驗及報警試驗。
    E/R air drier to be done function test and alarm test.
  5. 盥洗室在機艙的尾部。
    The lavatories are at the rear of the cabin.
  6. (航海日誌)0820能見度降至1.5海里。通知機艙備車航行。
    0820 visibillity reduced to 1.5 nm ,informed engine room S/B .
  7. 請給我留一個機艙的座位。
    Reserve me a seat in the passenger cabin, please
  8. 請給我留一個機艙的座位。
    Reserve me a seat in the passenger cabin, please.
