拼音:jiā zá英文解釋:
be mingled with; lard【化】 inclusion
混雜;攙雜正式英文的一個奇特的類型,它夾雜著突然出現的口語體 >>查看“夾雜”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
1.occlude 2.bemingledwith 3.inclusion相關對話:
- 照片之間夾雜著新聞興評論的文章。The photographs are intermingled with news and articles.
- 他的黑髮中夾雜著銀髮。His black hair was threaded with silver.
- 今天,對待它們的態度就友善多了,而且還夾雜著一些懷舊色彩。Today they are viewed a little more favourably and with some nostalgia
- 混合的一種顏色以上的混合物的或夾雜黑色或白色的Being a composite of more than one color or mixed with black or white.
- 夾雜著凍雨的風暴,使得所有的東西都附著上冰。a storm with freezing rain that leaves everything glazed with ice
- IF鋼中成分及夾雜物的過程控制研究Control of Chemical Composition and Inclusions in IF Steel
- 暴風雨中夾雜著陣陣閃電。There was a lot of lightning during the storm.