拼音:jiā sù英文解釋:
accelerate; quicken; crack on; gather way; pickup; speed【計】 accelerating; increase speed; speed-up
【醫】 acceleration; auxo-
【經】 accelerate; prompt; speed up
(1) ∶增加速度心跳加速,血壓升高(2) ∶加快進程加速水果的成熟 >>查看“加速”在國語詞典中的解釋漢語造句:
- 這一事件加速了該俱樂部的解體。The incident has hastened the disintegration of the club.
- 矽微結構加速度感測器穩定性的研究On the stability of silicon microstructure acceleration transducer
- 基於GPIB匯流排的加速度計測試系統的研究A study of the testing system for an accelerometer based on GPIB-bus
- 實際上,道德上的腐朽加速了羅馬帝國的衰亡。In truth, moral decay hastened the decline of the Roman Empire.
- 通經藥引發或加速月經流量的藥物或有同等效用的物品A drug or an agent that induces or hastens menstrual flow.
- 司機一定是踩了加速器。The driver must have pressed on the accelerator.
- 危險的信號加速了他的逃跑。The sound of danger gives wings to his flight.
- 昆蟲在蛹(繭)中,或加速的幼蟲期的。of the insects in the chrysalis (cocoon) or post larval stage.