拼音:jiǎ shān英文解釋:
rockery; rockwork中文解釋:
園林中用石頭堆砌而成以供欣賞的小山 >>查看“假山”在國語詞典中的解釋漢語造句:
- 一種生長在岩石上或岩石間的植物,適於在假山花園中栽植。plant that grows on or among rocks or is suitable for a rock garden
- 假山堆得起伏有致,別有情趣。The rockeries are piled up in an uneven and intriguing way.
- 一種生長在岩石上或岩石間的植物,適於在假山花園中栽植。plant that grows on or among rocks or is suitable for a rock garden.
- 這前面是假山。In front of it are rockeries.
- 公園裡的假山巧奪天工。The rockery in the park is of wonderful workmanship excelling nature.
- 我把園中的泥土堆成假山。I heap up the earth in my garden to make an artificial hill .