拼音:jiǎ ruò 英文解釋:
if; in case; supposing中文解釋:
假如假若這些推論是合乎邏輯的話 >>
查看“假若”在國語詞典中的解釋 中英例句:
- 假若一切順利, 我天黑之前就回來.
If everything goes according to plan, I shall be back before dark.
- 一個學生假若沒有了書,將怎么辦?
What would a student do if he were deprived of his books
- 他向我們保證假若我們立刻買進股票,很容易賺大錢。
He promisd us rich picking if we buy the share immediately.
- 所以,假若在一個函式定義中寫入下述代碼: int x;
Thus, if within a function definition you have:int x;
- 假若我失敗了,完全歸咎於我自己。
If I have failed, the fault lies wholly at my door.
- 但假若不願意在這種情況下出現別名,又該怎么操作呢?
But what if you don’t want aliasing to occur in this case?
- 假若我們每人能賺一百美元,總數將會很可觀。
Allow that everybody can earn $ 100, the total will be a lot
- 一個學生假若沒有了書,將怎么辦?
What would a student do if he were deprived of his books .