字典網>> 漢英字典>> J開頭詞條>>交戰的英文翻譯 “交戰”的日文翻譯


拼音:jiāo zhàn


be at war; engage; fight; rencounter; warfare; belligerence; engagement
【法】 belligerency; passage at arms; warfare


敵對軍隊之間作戰白天發生幾起巡邏隊小規模交戰初一交戰。—&mdash... >>查看“交戰”在國語詞典中的解釋


  1. 他們不是怯於交戰而策馬潰逃嗎?
    Did not the Franks prefer flight to battle, and use their spurs?
  2. “隨著交戰的進行,我們顯示出了更猛男的一面。”
    "Then, as the game went on, we looked fresher and stronger than Parma."
  3. 戰鬥中的或交戰中的
    Fighting or warring.
  4. 交戰雙方同意舉行和談.
    The two sides in the war have agreed to hold peace talks.
  5. 交戰者敵對的或愛尋釁的人或一方,尤指參與戰爭者
    One that is hostile or aggressive, especially one that is engaged in war
  6. 大衛準備就緒,出去與巨人歌利亞交戰
    David girded up his loins and went out to meet the Giant Goliath
  7. 交戰各方的會議
    a conference between the warring parties
  8. 我們已經與敵人交戰
    We have engaged the enemy.
