- 照相平版膠印法利用照相製版膠印的方法
A method of offset printing using photomechanical plates.
- 照相平版膠印法利用照相製版膠印的方法
A method of offset printing using photomechanical plates
- 平版印刷術一種平面印刷的方法,如平版印刷術或膠印
A process for printing from a smooth surface, as lithography or offset
- 用膠印技術生產
To produce by offset printing.
- 膠印機的質量一點也不令人滿意。
The quality is by no means satisfactory.
- 平版印刷術一種平面印刷的方法,如平版印刷術或膠印
A process for printing from a smooth surface, as lithography or offset.
- 基於事例推理的膠印質量管理專家系統
Quality Control Expert System of Offset Printing Based on Case Reasoning
- 膠印新聞紙油墨接受性能的初步研究
Ink Receptivity of Offset Newsprint:Evaluation and Effect on Print Quality