拼音:jiào xiāo英文解釋:
clamour; hoot【法】 rave
大聲喧叫吵鬧叫囂乎東西。——唐· 柳宗元《... >>查看“叫囂”在國語詞典中的解釋例句:
- 大肆叫囂set up a great clamor about; allege vociferously
- 憤怒的叫囂hoots of rage
- 大聲叫囂發出沙啞的大叫,尤指表譏諷或輕蔑To make a loud raucous cry, especially of derision or contempt
- 叫囂,虛張聲勢大聲的空虛的恫嚇;咆哮To make noisy, empty threats; bluster.
- 少數人甚至在叫囂2007年的經濟衰退。A loud minority is even talking about a recession in 2007
- 喧鬧,叫囂發出大的、持久的噪音或喊聲To make a loud, sustained noise or outcry.
- 學生們叫囂著要求見新校長。The students clamored to see the new president.
- 喧鬧,叫囂發出大的、持久的噪音或喊聲To make a loud, sustained noise or outcry