拼音:jiǎo tòng英文解釋:
angina; colic; wrench【醫】 angina; angor; colic; colica; colica passio; colicky pain; griping pain
Saint Erasmus's disease; St. Erasmus' disease; tormentum; tormina
內臟劇烈疼痛,像有東西在擰 >>查看“絞痛”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
1.tormina 2.grippingpain 3.colickypain 4.colica 5.angor漢語造句:
- 腸阻塞造成腹絞痛、嘔吐和便秘的腸道堵塞Intestinal obstruction causing colic, vomiting, and constipation.
- 他忽然肚子絞痛起來了。He's got the gripes.
- 心絞痛本身不是疾病。Angina is not a disease
- 19我的心腸阿,我的心腸阿,我翻騰絞痛。My bowels, my bowels; I am writhing.
- 我肚子有點絞痛,可別是流產。I have slight cramps. I hope I am not losing the baby.
- 穩定性心絞痛病人胸痛具有規律性。With stable angina, patients experience a regular pattern of chest pain.
- 5、對不穩定性心絞痛患者進行3-6個月的隨訪。5, To follow up the group of UAP for 3-6 months.