字典網>> 漢英字典>> J開頭詞條>>教師的的英文翻譯


拼音:jiào shī de


magistral; pedagogic; preceptorial


1.magistral  2.paedagogic  


  1. 聰明的學生可以輕鬆的理解教師的講解。
    Brainy students could understand easily what the teacher explained to them.
  2. 論人文關懷與教師的發展
    On Humane Care and Teacher Development
  3. 教師的工資比普通工人的工資高
    The wage of a teacher is higher than that of an ordinary worker.
  4. 瑪麗勝任教師的工作嗎?
    Is Mary competent as a teacher
  5. 沒人懷疑她做教師的能力。
    No one doubts her competence as a teacher.
  6. 教師的退休年齡降低到
    Reduce the retirement age for teachers to 55
  7. 教師的士氣良好。
    The teachers have a good morale
  8. 教師的最大好處是可以享受較長時間的假期。
    The best of being a teacher is the long holidays you get
