拼音:jiào rǎng英文解釋:
break out; clamor; rave【法】 life up one's voice
(1) ∶發出高聲呼喊(2) ∶以大叫大嚷的態度說話隊長叫嚷著發布命令 >>查看“叫嚷”在國語詞典中的解釋漢語造句:
- 我從視窗往外張望時,看到許多小孩一面玩耍一面叫嚷。Look out of the window, I see a lot of children play and yell
- 一個勁地或吵鬧地說話或叫嚷。utter or proclaim insistently and noisily.
- 老人怒氣沖沖地叫嚷說沒人聽他的意見。The old man rant that nobody pay any attention to his opinion.
- 她牙痛,疼得她直叫嚷。She had a toothache and she was making a noise about it
- 她今天上午好像不高興,老是衝著大家高聲叫嚷。She seems out of humour this morning. She has been shouting at everybody.
- 她大聲叫嚷以引起他們的注意。She shouted to attract their attention.
- 就說懷特先生吧;他從不對太太叫嚷。Take Mr. White. He never shouts at his wife.
- 我從視窗往外張望時,看到許多小孩一面玩耍一面叫嚷。Look out of the window, I see a lot of children play and yell.