字典網>> 漢英字典>> J開頭詞條>>交出的英文翻譯 “交出”的日文翻譯


拼音:jiāo chū


hand over; surrender
【法】 deliver over; surrender; turn in


  1. 放棄;交出,引渡
    The act of giving up; surrender.
  2. 這也就難怪巴斯立即就交出了管理權。
    Not that Buss is planning on handing over control any time soon.
  3. 交出版的文學著作的一種形式。
    the form of a literary work submitted for publication
  4. 我必須在明天交出這些畫。
    I must hand those drawings in my tomorrow.
  5. 他叫喊著要交出我們的武器。
    He hollered out to surrender our weapons.
  6. 他們威脅她把錢交出來.
    They screwed the money out of her by threats
  7. 國王交出了他的權力,讓大臣們分享。
    The King abnegated his power to the ministers.
  8. 這位被打敗的將軍交出他的劍以表示降服。
    The defeat general showed his submission by give up his sword.
