拼音:jiān yù英文解釋:
prison; jail; chokey; gaol; Job's pound; pokey【法】 bridewell; clink; gaol; iron house; jail; limbo; Marshalsea
minion of the law; prison; prison house; quod; slammer; toll booth
用以監禁犯人的建築物 >>查看“監獄”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
1.jail 2.jailhouse 3.Job'spound 4.penitentiary 5.quod 6.pokey 7.stir 8.lockup 9.calaboose 10.gaol 11.bighouse 12.sheriffshotel 13.Bridewell 14.[England]gaol 15.ironhouse 16.jailhouse漢語造句:
- 他被從監獄釋放使我們困惑不已。His deliverance from the prison puzzled us.
- 衛兵派駐在監獄四周。Guards were stationed around the prison.
- 監獄的大門哐當一聲關上了。The prison gate clanged shut.
- 監獄被高牆圍繞著。The prison is encompassed by high walls.
- 那個騙子被關進監獄。The deceiver was put into prison.
- 這是一樁民事案件,因此他沒有被送進監獄的可能。It was a civil case so there was no question of him being sent to prison.