拼音:jiān yá英文解釋:
fang【醫】 canine; canine teeth; cuspid; cuspid teeth; cynodont; dentes angularis
dentes caninus; dentes cuspidatus; fang
用於捕捉動物並咬住而撕成碎塊的長尖的牙齒;長而帶尖的牙齒 >>查看“尖牙”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
1.dog-tooth 2.cynodont 3.cuspids 4.dentescanini 5.canineteeth例句:
- 那狗叫個不停,露出了尖牙。The dog growled and showed its fangs.
- 拔掉(例如,蛇)的尖牙To remove the fangs of(a snake, for example)
- 拔掉(例如,蛇)的尖牙To remove the fangs of(a snake, for example).
- 陷入或者埋葬在肉中,關於刀,劍或者尖牙。plunge or bury in flesh, as of a knife, sword, or tusk
- 尖牙,尖物長而突出的牙齒或齒狀物A long, projecting tooth or toothlike part
- 雙尖牙齒a bicuspid tooth