拼音:jiān tóu英文解釋:
acumination; cusp【醫】 acrocephalia; acrocephaly; hypsicephalia; hypsicephaly; hypsocephaly
oxycephalia; oxycephaly; prong; pyrgocephaly; steeple head
steeple skull; tower skull; turricephaly
(1) ∶尖銳的端部(2) ∶某些木製管風琴的管腳下端的金屬尖 >>查看“尖頭”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
1.prong 2.pointednose 3.aiglet 4.pointedend 5.nib 6.turricephaly 7.acrocephalia 8.tip 9.plugnose 10.oxycephalia 11.oxycephaly中英例句:
- 魚叉用來捕魚或抓青蛙的有尖頭的梭A pronged spear for fishing or catching frogs.
- 教堂的尖頂逐漸變細,形成了一個尖頭兒。The church spire tapers off to a point
- 錐子在紡織品和皮革上鑽洞的小而有尖頭的工具A small, sharply pointed instrument for making holes in fabric or leather.
- 砂眼的尖頭(膿聚集的地方)。the tip of an abscess (where the pus accumulates).
- 一個餐叉或一個乾草叉的尖頭。a prong on a fork or pitchfork.
- 削尖(比如,一支鉛筆);使…有尖頭To sharpen(a pencil, for example); provide with a point.