字典網>> 漢英字典>> J開頭詞條>>減弱的英文翻譯 “減弱”的日文翻譯


拼音:jiǎn ruò


take off; weaken; abate; recede; slack; slacken; trail
【醫】 attenuate; attenuation; tenuate
【經】 soften


氣勢、勢力等變弱正在不斷減弱的暴風雨 >>查看“減弱”在國語詞典中的解釋


  1. 我喜歡在黃昏光線減弱時散步。
    I enjoy taking a walk during the sunset when the light is waning
  2. ③Ade對KATP功能的調節與ADP相似 ,既減弱Pin對KATP的開放作用 ,又減弱Gli對KATP的阻斷作用。
    ③The regulatory effect of Ade on K ATP was similar with that of ADP.
  3. 有些藥物會減弱心臟的功能。
    Some medicines depress the action of the heart.
  4. 狂怒的風暴減弱了。
    The fury of the storm subsided.
  5. 他們還發現:逐漸降低無氣味溶液噴入的壓力,嗅覺神經元的反應隨之減弱
    This also produced a similar, but smaller reaction in the olfactory neurons
  6. 無衰減的;未減弱的,用於振盪
    Not tending toward a state of rest; not damped Used of oscillations
  7. 這套系統減弱了依靠紙張交流的方式。
    The system cuts dependence on paper-driven communication.
  8. 使減細,使減小;使減弱,使變薄
    To make slender, fine, or small.
