字典網>> 漢英字典>> J開頭詞條>>鍵入的英文翻譯


拼音:jiàn rù


【計】 entering; key in; keyt-in; typing


1.key-in  2.keyed  3.keyboardinput  4.keyin  5.key  6.keyin  7.typing  


  1. 有關計算機運行的全部事項記錄的過程,包括計算機運行的標識、記錄轉換開關的置位、輸入輸出帶的標識、人工鍵入信息的拷貝、所有停止的標識以及所有為停機所採取的動作記錄。
    The process of recording everything pertinent to a machine run, including identification of the machine run, recording the alternation switch settings, identification of input and output tapes, copy of manual key-ins, identification of all stops, and a record of the action taken on all stops.
  2. 一種源輸入公用程式的操作,在這一操作過程中,它將鍵入的源語句作為新記錄加到源成員中。
    The source entry utility operation during which source statements are keyed in and added a new records in a source member.
  3. 鍵入了所有的新數據。
    She keyed in all the new data.
  4. 在“欄位名稱”列中單擊,然後為該欄位鍵入唯一的名稱。
    Click in the Field Name column and type a unique name for the field
  5. 當提示鍵入驅動器的卷標時,鍵入卷標(如果驅動器有卷標)。
    WARNING!Data in a deleted Logical DOS Drive will be lost
  6. 虛設備,偽程式只滿足規定條件的鍵入計算機的字元或其它信息,對操作毫無影響,如字長
    conditions, such as word length, and having no effect on operations
  7. 需要鍵入的命令用“引用黑體”標明。
    Commands needing to be typed will be in "bold with quotes" .
  8. 為了進入, 必須鍵入特殊的通行密碼。
    In order to log in you have to type in a special password
