- 他立刻把自已的意思講明白了。
He soon made himself understood.
- 醫生向我父親講明他的嚴重病情時,我的父親直挺挺地坐在椅子上,一動也不動。
My father sat upright, straight as a ramrod, while the doctor explained to him the serious nature of his illness.
- 講明白我的意思
Making my meaning plain.
- 格言,寓言一種講明道德或宗教的淺顯的故事
A simple story illustrating a moral or religious lesson
- 我怎么才能給他講明白不能喝這么多酒的道理呢?
How can I drive into him why he shouldn't drink so much?
- 這位女士正在講明她的麻煩。
The lady was giving air to her troubles.
- 他講了很久, 但沒把意思講明白。
He spoke for a long time but his meaning did not come across