拼音:jiàng dī英文翻譯
bate; bring down; cut down; debase; depress; knock-down; reduce; take from【經】 abatement; reduced price; tone down
1.lowers 2.tonedown 3.playdown 4.lower 5.scale-down 6.recede 7.abasement 8.abase 9.takefrom 10.debasement 11.let...down 12.fell 13.depression 14.decline 15.lowered 16.degradation例句:
- 他們原來想買一所大房子,後來不得不降低要求買一所較小的。They had to lower their sights and buy a smaller house than they would have liked.
- 她落選後其影響力大為降低。Her influence declined after she lost the election.
- 他們與僱主達成的協定是他們在工資方面降低要求,但每周工時要縮短。The bargain they reached with their employers was to reduce their wage claim in return for a shorter working week.
- 銀行降低了利率來配合房屋建築協會的行動。The banks have acted in unison with the building societies in lowering interest rates.
- 你說這些謊話就降低了身份。You debase yourself by telling such lies.
- 政府決心把通貨膨脹率降低。The government is determined to bring down inflation.