拼音:jī áng de 英文解釋:
ablaze; boiling; excited; fevered; heated; roused相關詞條:
ablaze 中英例句:
- 將軍對士兵們作了慷慨激昂的演說。
The general made an impassioned speech to his soldiers.
- 以悲壯激昂的語言講話
speak in a buskined language
- 用過度激昂的和聲來粉飾的簡單樂曲
A simple tune that was overlaid with ornate harmonies
- 慷慨激昂的演說者
a fervid orator
- 興奮的處於激動狀態的;興奮的;激昂的
Being in a state of excitement; emotionally aroused; stirred.
- “也許我沒有激昂的言辭,但我可以對結果承諾。”
"I may not offer soaring (rhetoric), but I do promise results."
- 興奮的處於激動狀態的;興奮的;激昂的
Being in a state of excitement; emotionally aroused; stirred
- 那政客作了一次激昂的演講。
The politician gave a fiery speech