字典網>> 漢英字典>> J開頭詞條>>尖端的的英文翻譯


拼音:jiān duān de


most advanced; spiry
【醫】 apical; cacuminal


1.sophisticated  2.tined  3.cuspidal  4.cuspidated  5.high-end  


  1. 在頂點兩側的內弧面上仍然有尖端的拱。
    an arch having cusps in the intrados on either side of the apex.
  2. 有二尖端的有二尖端或尖頭的,如月牙
    Having two points or cusps, as the crescent moon.
  3. 尖端的
    Having a cusp
  4. 這架飛機有一套尖端的電子導航系統。
    The airplane has a sophisticated electronic guidance system
  5. 一種短的略寬彎曲的具有鋒利的尖端的中世紀大刀。
    a short broad slightly convex medieval sword with a sharp point
  6. 刺刺或戳,如用有尖端的物體刺
    To jab or poke, as with a pointed object.
  7. 尖的,尖銳的有尖點或尖端的
    Having a sharp point or tip.
  8. 理想裂紋尖端的光彈性應力分析
    Photoelastic Stress Analysis near the Tip of a Perfect Crack
