拼音:jiàn dié英文翻譯
beagle; emissary; lurcher; spy【法】 beagle; enemy agent; espial; espionage; espionage agent; intelligencer
secret agent
1.secretagent 2.lurcher 3.intelligenceagent 4.espionage 5.espionageagent 6.espionageagent 7.agentprovocateur 8.Beagle 9.canary 10.emissary 11.smeller例句:
- 間諜竊去了政府的秘密檔案。The spy stole secret government documents.
- 後來發現他原來是間諜。He was later discovered to have been a spy.
- 八年來她實際上一直為敵人做間諜工作。For eight years she was in fact spying for the enemy.
- 這位間諜從未把他的秘密活動告訴家裡人。The spy never told his family about his underground activities.
- 警方抓獲了一名外國間諜。The police had captured a foreign spy.
- 這個證據證實了我認為他是間諜的這一看法。This evidence reinforces my view that he is a spy.
- 他在銀行的工作僅僅是他當間諜的一種掩護。His job at the bank was just a screen for his life as a spy.