bamboo slips for writing on; brief; letter; simple
1.Jane 2.simplified 3.
brief 例句:
- 原始社會的結構並不一定就是簡單的。
The constitution of a primitive society is not necessarily simple.
- 他寫著一手簡潔而明快的好散文。
He writes a very clear simple prose.
- 這個男孩非常無能,連一件簡單的工作也做不好。
The boy is so impotent that he can't do a simple job well.
- 簡單樸素的衣服適合在學校里穿。
Plain, simple clothes are appropriate for school wear.
- 他由於忘了帶鑰匙,便以簡單的應急辦法從窗戶爬進屋裡。
As he had forgot his keys, he got into the house by the simple expedient of climbing through the window.
- 和面的方法很簡單,只要把水和在麵粉里就行了。
The way to make dough is very simple as you need only to mix flour with water.
- 簡被視為本世紀最偉大的舞蹈家之一。
Jane was counted among the greatest dancers of the century.
簡的意思 簡 (簡) ǎ 古代用來寫字的竹板:竹簡。簡牘。簡策。簡冊。 書信:簡帖。簡札。信簡。書簡。 不複雜:簡單。簡易。簡略。簡要。簡便。簡潔。簡練。冊繁就簡。言簡意賅。 選擇:簡拔。簡選。簡任。 姓。 繁