alkali; soda【化】 alkali; base
鹼 jiǎn 含在土裡的一種物質,化學成分是碳酸鈉,用做洗滌劑,亦用來中和發麵...>>查看“鹼”在國語字典中的解釋
- 關鍵在於控制土壤里的鹼分。The key problem is how to overcome alkali in the soil.
- 用鹼渣燒制白色水泥Preparation of White Cement from Soda Residue
- 土壤灰化作用土壤的鹼被減少而變成酸性的過程The process by which soils are depleted of bases and become acidic.
- 腺嘌呤:在DNA和RNA中發現的含氮的鹼基(6-氨基嘌呤)。Adenine A nitrogenous base (6-amino-purine)found in DNA and RNA
- 具有類似乙醯膽鹼的生理效力的藥劑或藥物A cholinergic agent or drug
- 液鹼球磨在鎢鹽生產中的套用Application of Aqueous Caustic Ball Milling To Wolframate Production
- 檳榔生物鹼的研究現狀及展望Review on the actuality and prospect of areca alkaloids
- 旱生植物適應在乾燥含鹼的土壤里生長的植物;沙漠植物A plant adapted to living in a dry, arid habitat; a desert plant