- 在年終分配之後,這個公社家家戶戶都有錢存入銀行。
After year's end distribution every family of the commune has money to bank up.
- 隨著敵軍逼近,家家戶戶都將逃入叢林。
As the enemy advance continued, whole families would take to the bush.
- 家家戶戶都在吃富含膽固醇的外賣和微波熱化的現成食品。
Families graze on cholesterol-sodden take-aways and microwaved ready-meals.
- 在這裡,幾乎家家戶戶都有鋼琴。
Nearly every household here has a piano
- 節日期間家家戶戶都在門前豎起火把。
On that day every household will light up torches at the gate.
- 他們準備第二年讓家家戶戶都用上電。
They planned to run current to all homes in the following year.