add; append; increase; plus; tot; tote【醫】 add; adde; addition; admov.
加 jiā 增多:增加。追加。加倍。加封。 把本來沒有的添上去:加註解。加冕。...>>查看“加”在國語字典中的解釋
- 塞地加納貨幣的基本單位A basic unit of currency in Ghana
- 我們應做點事情去為增加補助金而遊說當權者。We should do something to lobby for higher subsidies.
- 這些人都在排隊等候參加PrincessPrincess演唱會嗎?Be all these people lined up for the princess princess show?
- 赴德參加ISO/TC67第15屆標準化年會報告Report on Attending the 15th Annual Meeting of ISO/TC67 in Germany
- 參加(例如拳擊比賽)等To participate in(a boxing match, for example)
- 省區界限是用很細的繪圖筆加畫在地圖上的。The province boundaries are marked in with a fine mapping pen
- 添加氧化錫能增加顏色的穩定性。The addition of tin oxide has a stabilizing effect on the colour
- 為參加晚會他穿上了最好的衣服。He put on his best clothes for the party.