be hungry; famine; starve中文解釋:
飢 (飢②饑) jī 餓:飢餓。饑民。飢驅(舊指為衣食而奔走)。飢餐渴飲。饑寒...>>查看“飢”在國語字典中的解釋
- 我不忍心責備為飢兒行竊的女人。I cannot find it in myself to condemn a mother who steals for a hungry child.
- 求神賜福於那些飢餓、孤獨或患病的人。Bless (ie We ask God to bless) all those who are hungry, lonely or sick.
- 他面有飢色。He had a hungry look.
- 他太飢餓了,一口氣就把飯吃光了。He was so hungry that he ate up his meal at a stretch.
- 那熱氣騰騰的蛋糕對這個飢餓的男孩是個誘惑。The steaming cake was a bait for the hungry boy.