字典網>> 漢英字典>> J開頭詞條>>極的英文翻譯 “極”的日文翻譯



bally; cruelly; extreme; fearfully; mighty; pole
【醫】 per-; pole; polus


極 (極) jí 頂端,最高點,盡頭:登極(帝王即位)。登峰造極。 指地球的南...


  1. 喜歡旅行。
    I go for traveling in a big way
  2. 共形平坦Riemannian流形的小超曲面
    Minimal Hypersurfaces of a Conformally Flat Riemannian Manifold
  3. 同聲翻譯是困難的.
    To interpret simultaneously is extremely difficult.
  4. 力反對的隱蔽的敵人似乎還沒有停止活動。
    There seemed no end to the hidden enemies at whom he raved .
  5. 從事手邊的工作
    Get down to the project at hand.
  6. 我真是生氣了,可是麥克卻非常冷靜。
    I was furious, but Mike was as cool as a cucumber
  7. 自耗電/感應凝殼熔鑄TiAl基合金成分均勻性研究
    Investigation on Uniformity of Composition in CEM/ISM Cast TiAl-base Alloy
  8. 通過力推薦,新管家上任了。
    The new housekeeper came on the highest recommendation.
